
在线赌博推荐, we’re committed to providing you with comprehensive patient-centered care while providing our students with an excellent learning experience. 在线赌博推荐的主要目的是:

  • 教育学生成为有能力的专业人士
  • 提高市民对口腔健康的认识. We believe quality dental hygiene care is critical to the total well-being of every patient treated.


Our dental hygiene clinic is a classroom/learning environment where student dental hygienists provide your services. 因为诊所是一个学习场所, you may be required to return for several appointments to complete your necessary treatment.

Our students have been evaluated to laboratory and clinical competency prior to treating patients in the clinic and are closely supervised during your treatment to provide optimal care.


在线赌博推荐 口腔卫生诊所 is an educational facility where students provide dental care with close supervision by faculty. You should arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to fill out any necessary paperwork and pick up a parking permit. 因为这是一个教育设施, 预约时间从90分钟到3小时不等, 为了满足你的牙科需求,可能需要多次预约.

We appreciate your time commitment to helping our students fulfill their graduation requirements.

取消: 在线赌博推荐知道你可能需要取消一个约会. 请提前24小时通知你的学生. 由于学生的时间有限, 持续的取消可能会使它变得困难, 如果不是不可能的话, 重新安排你的约会.

在线赌博推荐 口腔卫生诊所 operates using strict infection control practices as recommended by the CDC and OSHA. 的se practices are incorporated to protect you, the student dental hygienist, and faculty. 点击这里阅读在线赌博推荐的血源性传染病政策.

秋季学期 hours begin in September and continue through the first week of December.

  • 预约时间:周一、周三上午8:30.m. 和1p.m.

春季学期 从1月中旬开始,一直持续到4月的最后一周.

  • 预约时间:星期一至五上午八点半.m. 下午1:00.m.

的 clinic is closed during holidays, semester breaks, spring and summer vacations.

牙科接待处 全年开放.

  • 小时:
    • 秋季和春季(9月至5月中旬.m.-4:30 p.m.
    • 夏季(5月中旬至8月),8a.m.-4 p.m.
    • 办公室中午12点到1点不营业.m.

的 following patient-centered services may be provided by the dental hygiene students at the 在线赌博推荐 口腔卫生诊所. Services performed here are preventative and do 不 replace regular dental visits.

  • 医疗/牙科病史评估
  • 血压筛查
  • 口腔癌筛查
  • 牙科x光片(x光片)
  • 口腔健康风险评估
  • 预防口腔疾病的教育
  • 成人/儿童牙齿清洁,生物膜和污渍去除
  • 使敏感牙齿脱敏
  • 疼痛处理(局部麻醉)
  • 抗菌治疗
  • 氟化物治疗
  • 饮食分析
  • 坑和裂缝密封剂
  • 印象/研究模型
  • Intraoral照片
  • 戒烟教育和转诊
  • 修复体(假牙/局部)清洁
  • 牙周清洁和清创
  • 牙医检查(综合及定期)
  • 二胺氟化银
  • 有限口头评价      


If payment has 不 been received, the student can不 schedule you for your next appointment.


现金,支票, 在线赌博推荐也接受借记卡/信用卡.


初步评估/筛选     免费




            Children 16 and under with or without bitewing x-rays            $25.00

            Seniors 60 years and above with or without bitewing x-rays            $25.00



            牙周扩展 and Rootplaning one to three teeth per Quadrant            $20.00

         牙周扩展 & 牙根规划——每象限四颗或更多牙齿30美元.00





            咬翼x光片2张/ 15美元.00            4/ $20.00










  • 在清洁时咬翅膀 不再 包括在预言费里. 在那里 单独收费.
  • Patient’s screened for dietary analysis, ADEX, senior case study but do 不 qualify will 不再 接受这一系列治疗的免费服务. 他们将为所接受的服务收费.
  • 饮食分析,ADEX和老年病例研究患者 仍然会收到 这一系列的治疗都是免费的.
  • 在线赌博推荐员工和学生(牙科学生) 包括) 不再 他们将为所接受的服务收费.


  • From north or south: I-93 to Exit 15 East onto I-393 then take Exit 1.
  • From west: I-89 to I-93 North to Exit 15 East onto I-393 then take Exit 1
  • 向东:4号公路至I-393至1号出口

在坡道的底部,向左转进入在线赌博推荐校园. 在停车标志处右转进入学院大道. Take the third left after the stop sign onto Fan Road (in front of the Discovery Center). Follow Fan Road past the Discovery Center parking lot and the back side of Grappone Hall (do 不 park in the Grappone Hall faculty parking lot). Take a left at the stop sign, drive past the gazebo and continue to the front of Grappone Hall.

的 Dental Clinic and handicapped parking are in front of Grappone Hall on both sides of the street. Please come to the dental reception desk in MacRury hall for a parking permit. With your back to Grappone Hall, you can see MacRury Hall diagonally to the left

如果牙科诊所的停车场已经满了, you will need to follow the directions back to the first stop sign on Institute Drive. Continue past Sweeney Hall and around the curve; you will then see the entrance to the main parking lot. Follow the sidewalk past the “blue light alert system” post and turn right onto the next sidewalk. 麦克鲁里大厅(牙科诊所)在这条人行道的尽头.

Please do 不 park in the Discovery Center parking lot, as it is 不 owned by 在线赌博推荐. If you park in that lot, you 将 ticketed and/or towed at your own expense.


To have your teeth cleaned at our clinic, you will need a minimum of 4 appointments. 预约时间从90分钟到3小时不等. 的 first appointment is a screening, at no charge, to make sure our students can treat you. 第二次预约是拍x光片, unless you have current x-rays from a不her dental office that can be forwarded. 如果不需要x光, you 将 scheduled for a first-assessment appointment (the beginning of the cleaning process). 必要时将安排更多的约会.


你需要预约才能去诊所看病. When you contact us, our office staff will ask for information that will go into our call book. Our students maintain their own schedules and will contact you to schedule your appointment.


Because the clinical services are provided to educate future dental hygienists and appointment times are limited, 有效利用临床时间很重要. 如果你需要取消你的约会, 请于预约时间最少24小时前递交申请. This will allow time for the student to fill that appointment with a不her patient. 如果你取消或不来两个或两个以上已确认的约会, your student hygienist may discontinue your care and refer you to a private-practice dental office.


在线赌博推荐的诊所不是为无人看管的儿童设立的. Please make arrangements for someone to watch your children outside of our offices during your scheduled appointment.

详情请致电603-230-4023. 您也可以给在线赌博推荐发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).